As we enter into the warmer months of the year, water conservation grows in importance. Many of us take for granted the fact that we have flushing toilets and hot showers in our homes. However, there are still many places in the world where this is not available. The lack of basic sanitary and plumbing systems have a huge impact on a community’s health and environment.
Did you know…?
- 2.1 billion (or 3 in 10 people) lack access to safe, readily available water
- 4.5 billion (or 6 in 10 people) do not have toilets in their home
- More than 1 billion people gained access to piped supplies between 2000 and 2015
- 361,000 children under the age of 5 die each year due to water born diarrhea from water contamination
The importance of using water efficiently and responsibly can not be overstated. Water is a requirement of all life, and all life on the planet depends on it. Unfortunately, water is a limited resource. Less than 1% of the water on Earth is available for use by people. It is crucial to maintain this supply for the survival of humanity.
As water conservation becomes more important, we need to learn more about how to achieve and maintain plumbing efficiency. Properly installed and maintained sewer systems are a vital part to a home’s success in conserving water. In addition to reducing the cost of your utility bill, water conservation also helps to prevent pollution in nearby lakes, rivers and local watersheds.
Some simple ways to conserve water…
- Check all pipes, faucets and toilets for leaks
- Use small amounts of biodegradable soaps and detergents
- Turn off the water while you are brushing your teeth
- Reduce your shower time and switch to a low-flow showerhead
- Ensure the setting on your water heater is not above 120 degrees fahrenheit
- In order to to prevent water from evaporating so quickly due to the high temperatures, invest in a high quality pool cover
Conserving water should be part of everyday family practice. Should you have any questions or need help upgrading to more energy efficient fixtures, please contact Zeek Plumbing at 866-635-0200.

Ryan has been a part of the Zeek Plumbing team since 2019, and has lived in Randolph, NJ his entire life.
He takes pride in taking care of the towns, the families, and the areas he grew up in!
Ryan has been the Treasurer and is currently on the Membership committee of a local BNI Chapter based out of Morris County, NJ in the networking group, BNI Main Street.