The Simple Facts You Need to Know About Sump Pumps

With heavy rain it is important to routinely check your sump pump

All About Sump Pumps

Unlike other appliances, a sump pump quietly does its job and you probably pay no attention to it. It is designed to keep your basement dry and free from water damage.

Sum Pump

Significant temperature changes in late winter and early spring can result in a lot of pooling water and saturated soil. For this reason, the spring months are often considered “sump season”. In the summer months, a quick downpour of an inch or two of rain can easily overwhelm drains and sump pump pits. It is important to ensure that the sump pump is functioning properly in the warmer months in order to avoid potential basement flooding.

Zeek Plumbing can install a sump pump for you so you do not have to worry about flooding during the rainy season.
Basement flooding

How a sump pump works?

A sump pump collects ground water in a sump tank, which is also known as a basin, crock, or pit. When the ground water fills the tank to a certain level, the float travels up a float rod and activates a switch causing the sump pump motor to turn on. The motor then removes the water from the tank and discharges it away from your house.

Types of sump pumps?

  • Submersible: This is the most common type and it is installed during home construction. The pump is covered inside of the tank.
  • Non-submersible: This type of pump consists of a motor and a hose. The motor is installed above the basement floor. The hose is connected to the motor and then routed into the sump tank. This type of sump pump is less expensive and can be installed at any time.

Benefits of a sump pump?

  • Prevents flooding: Heavy rain can cause water to accumulate and pool around your home’s foundation. A sump pump will ensure this water does not enter and flood the basement. Also, if a pipe bursts in the basement, a sump pump will help to push the water out, reducing the amount of standing water.
  • Prevents dampness and reduces mold growth: Any standing water can quickly lead to mold growth. This can be toxic to your health. In keeping your basement dry, this problem can be avoided.
  • Prevents fires: Water in the basement may also cause appliances to short-circuit which might result in an electrical fire.
  • Reliable and inexpensive: Sump pumps may last 15-20 years and are relatively inexpensive considering the protection that it affords. The cost varies depending on the location and pump options.

It is important to perform sump pump maintenance on a regular basis, at least every spring to ensure the sump pump is working properly.

Maintenance tips

  • Remove the sump pump cover and clear the tank of any mud or stones.
  • Flush the system with a hose or bucket. When the pump activates, it should run smoothly. If not, call Zeek Plumbing to check for worn or damaged parts.
  • Inspect the float to see that it travels freely up the rod.
  • Check the discharge pipe for gravel or any type of obstruction so discharged water flows freely away from the house.

At Zeek Plumbing, we are here to help with all of your sump pump needs. To schedule an appointment please visit or give us a call at 866-635-0200. You can also follow us on Facebook!

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